Welcome to Leo’s
We’re so pleased you found us. We’ve been looking after the mental health and well-being of neonatal families since 2018. We use our own experiences of neonatal care to let families know, we see you, we hear you, we’ve got you. If you need our specialist support, please make a referral below.

How we support families
Whether you are on the Preterm Birth Pathway, under the care of Fetal Medicine, considering another pregnancy, or pregnant again after a neonatal stay, or loss, we can take care of you.
If you are a family who is currently in neonatal care with either a premature or full term baby, we’re here to help you navigate the neonatal stay, and all that comes with it.
Z technicznego punktu widzenia, kasyna krypto zwykle odbywa się za pośrednictwem sieci peer-to-peer, eliminując potrzebę pośrednika. Brak pośrednika nie tylko przyspiesza proces wpłat i wypłat, ale także znacznie obniża koszty transakcji. W większości przypadków transakcje są przetwarzane niemal natychmiast, przy bardzo niskich opłatach, co stanowi ostry kontrast w stosunku do tradycyjnych metod, takich jak przelewy bankowe lub płatności kartą kredytową, które mogą trwać kilka dni i wiązać się z wysokimi opłatami.
Co więcej, płatności Bitcoin oferują poziom anonimowości niespotykany w innych metodach płatności. Chociaż nadal będziesz musiał podać pewne dane osobowe do kasyna w celu zapewnienia zgodności z przepisami, same transakcje mogą być dokonywane bez ujawniania obszernych szczegółów finansowych. Jest to funkcja, która znalazła szczególne uznanie wśród graczy, dla których prywatność jest priorytetem.

We offer you a safe space to talk about your feelings and emotions, from our team who have been where you are. No judgment, just a XX
Our counselling supports birth and pregnancy trauma, neonatal care, neonatal loss, diagnosis and more.
Flash Therapy
Flash, is a type of EMDR therapy, delivered by our qualified therapists to support trauma recovery, or t0 support our pregnant families.
High Cognitive Behavioural Therapy is ran by our qualified therapists to support trauma recovery after a neonatal stay.
Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing is delivered by our qualified therapists to support PTSD.
Palliative /Bereavement Care
We support families who have been given a palliative diagnosis, or have experienced neonatal loss.
The Neonatal Behavioural Assessment Sclae is a detailed look at your baby’s behaviour and their individual personality. Coming soon!
Sensory Sessions
We run regular community sensory play sessions, where you can meet other neonatal families, and make magical memories.
Specialist Classes
We offer neonatal specific classes from our highly-trained mentors, to support your child’s development.
The Newborn Behavioural Observation offers special insight into how your baby is communicating with you.

Leo’s Story
In 2015, my son Leo entered this world at just 24 weeks gestation, and unbeknown to him, saving the life of his twin brother Oska, and me, his mum, Lottie
After four long hours, waiting to meet my little boy, I was finally able to go see him in the NICU. The doors of intensive care opened, and there he was, the most beautiful little boy in the world. I fell in love instantly. Our first hello would be our goodbye. Our first cuddle would be our last together in this world.
We were told he could fight no more, and that they had done all they could to save him, but he was just so very sick.
We made the heart-breaking decision to turn off his life support and let him go peacefully. He slipped away and grew his wings in the early hours after he was placed in my arms. He changed our hearts irrevocably. In those brief moments we shared together, I can’t explain the lessons he taught me, the love I felt and the overwhelming desire as his mum to make sure his life meant something.
Days later a consultant spoke to us whilst I was still pregnant with his twin Oska, because every minute, every hour inside gave him a stronger chance of survival.
He sat us down and said: “Sometimes, the sickest twin knows it’s poorly, and makes the most noble sacrifice to save the other.”
That’s what our boy did. He became Oska’s guardian angel and he saved his life. I truly believe that. He saved my life too.
I am so honoured to be the mum of someone so brave, so selfless. He is my greatest hero.
This here, is his legacy.
Lottie x
When I saw the posters for Leo’s in the family room in Sunderland NICU, I thought “that’s good but I don’t need help, I’m fine”. It wasn’t until a month after we got home that I realised I’d been in fight or flight mode since she was born and that I did actually need help. I contacted Leo’s and since then my mental health has improved every day. Because of the help from Leo’s, I am no longer scared to take my daughter out of the house, to drive with her in the car, to take her swimming, or to even let other family members have a kiss and a cuddle.
The counselling sessions Leo’s have provided have been revolutionary for me. I still need help with my mental health but when I look back to when I first started the sessions to now, I am a much improved version of myself.
I’ve come a long way in a short space of time and I can’t thank Leo’s enough. Their support has been vital to mine and my daughter’s recovery. Thank you.
My wife Kirsty and son Marco visited The Fish Tank on Tuesday for Marco’s first ever swimming lesson and I just wanted to thank you all for making it happen.
Kirsty was so close to not attending as she was really struggling that morning and just as I left for work I told her not to miss it and promised me she’d go as I knew her and Marco would love it.
I got a phone call later that day from her and the first thing she said to me was “thank you for making me go, we have loved it so much and everyone was so lovely!”
I’ve seen kirsty cry so much it these really hard last 6 months since Marco was born but on the Tuesday night when we managed to sit down together she showed me all the photos and videos that were took she cried tears of happiness which was beautiful to see.
So I just wanted to thank everyone that was involved with making this happen and making my wife smile again!
Feeling down and low had become the norm since having Marco at 26 weeks. However, the support I have received from Leo’s has picked me up, and at times, I feel like me again. So, thank you for all that you do, from peer support, to counselling, swimming and groups, it really does help in every way.
Do You Have Any Questions?
Frequently Asked Questions
Here are some frequently asked questions about the work we do here at Leo’s…
Where do you support?
We support families across the North East of England.
Is there a time limit to get support?
We try to care for families as early as in their pregnancy, and up to seven years post neonatal stay. Families are welcome to re-refer back into our services as many times as they need.
Can I access NHS care and Leo's?
Yes, you can! We often work in partnership with the NHS to make sure families get the best care.
I'd like to make a donation how can I do that?
Donations make a huge difference to our work, we’d love to hear from you! So please email us on hello@leosneonata.org
I'd love to fundraise for you, how can I do that?
We have a dedicated Just Giving Page, but we can also support with fundraising packs and sponsor forms.
I work for the NHS or Local Authority, can I refer in?
Yes, we have a dedicated staff referral form. Click on ‘Make A Referral’ and fill in a dedicated form.
I'm struggling, how do I get support?
If your world is feeling heavy, click on the ‘Make A Referral’ button at the top of this page, or get a health care / local authority professional to help you.