The ability to get board meetings off to an excellent start is crucial for productive discussions and taking decisions. A well-organized agenda for meetings lets your board members concentrate on important topics instead of routine updates or operational issues.

When your executive team has finalized an agenda for the board meeting, they should share it the CEO and the board chair so that they can go over the agenda and make any necessary modifications. They may also want to contact all attendees to confirm their participation to ensure quorum is met.

During this step it is also important to provide a summary of the last meeting’s minutes, along with any follow-up tasks that need to be discussed at the next board meeting. This allows the board to begin discussions with a clear understanding of the prior decisions made and the manner in which they were attained.

Board members can add strategic value to your business by sharing their expertise and perspectives during the discussion portion of a meeting. This is a great opportunity to ask and answer questions and to challenge conventional thinking and look at the possibilities of new opportunities. It is important to employ effective techniques for moderating to increase the impact of the discussion. For example, encourage dialogue between participants and use discussion prompts as a guide for discussions.

In addition, you should add a brief item on the agenda of the board meeting for any remaining items that need to be addressed prior the adjournment. This includes the review of financial reports, executive reports and any other necessary attachments. This is also an ideal occasion to discuss a timetable for the next steps, and also to determine the responsibility for the fulfillment of these commitments.

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