Our Team

Come and meet our dedicated, passionate and caring team here at Leo’s.




Andrew is one of the founding members of Leo’s and a Paediatric Consultant. His passion for compassionate care is uplifting, he goes the extra mile both in his work  with children, and his work here at Leo’s. Here he is with our little Oska back in 2019.




Ali is one of our newest trustees. Bringing in her exceptional expertise as a midwife and a mum of three. Ali has also been a service user here at Leo’s, and is deeply passionate about ensuring families get the best care, when they need most.




Abby is one of our newest trustees here at Leo’s.

Abby’s first daughter, Edie, was sadly born unresponsive, despite Abby having a low risk pregnancy. Edie went on to spend three weeks in NICU, where she was seriously ill due to a lack of oxygen. Abby, began attending Leo’s groups in 2018, and was one of the very first families we cared for. Since then we have supported Abby, Edie and their family throughout their journey. Abby was so passionate about wanting to give back to the charity, being a trustee was the perfect role for her.




Philippa is also one of our newest trustees here at Leo’s. Philippa is a force for change in our local area as a local councillor, championing an array of voices in the town she serves – including neonatal families. She’s also a proud mum of three and is always doing something wonderful for someone.




Hi, I’m Lottie! I’m the CEO here at Leo’s. I am deeply passionate about neonatal mental health and early intervention support for babies after a neonatal stay. I have been mentoring at Leo’s, since we started, and am always so humbled that families allow us to support them during the most vulnerable times of their lives. I know first-hand the neonatal journey doesn’t end at discharge, I am 8 years down the line, and still very much on this journey with Oska and Leo.

Qualifications & Training includes:

  • Caring Essentials Neonatal Trauma Informed Care Practitioner (training)
  • Brazleton High Risk NBO (training)
  • Qualified Advanced Tummy Time Practitioner
  • Infant Massage (training)
  • Baby / Infant Yoga (training)
  • Institute of Health Visiting Perinatal & Infant Mental Health Champion
  • Sensory Beginnings Neonatal Nurture
  • Transactional Analysis
  • Listening Skills
  • Safeguarding – Level 4


Senior Parent and Infant Well-being Mentor

Hello, my name is Katie and I am Mummy to Oscar. Oscar was born a month early and needed Neonatal care due to IUGR (Intrauterine growth restriction) Oscar was in the Neonatal unit during the first Coronavirus lockdown.

Having Oscar in the neonatal unit during the pandemic was the most siolating and difficult time of my life but I struggled to ask for help, telling myself that others had it much worse and that I shouldn’t have been finding everything as difficult as I was. I now know that I was not alone in feeling this way and help is always available.

My role at Leo’s is to take care of neonatal families. Meeting parents who have been struggling, during or following a neonatal stay, and watching the progress they make due to the support I am able to offer is the most heartwarming and wholesome job I have done in my life.
From the moment families come into Leo’s I take pride in knowing that they will be given the highest standard of care.

Qualifications & Training includes:

  • Forest School Leader (training)
  • Brazleton High Risk NBO Practitioner
  • Makaton
  • Sensory Beginnings Neonatal Nurture
  • Transactional Anyalysis
  • Listening Skills
  • Perinatal Mental Health
  • Safeguarding


Senior Parent and Infant Well-Being Mentor

Hi my name is Tammy, and I live in Darlington with my partner James and son Harry who is 2 years old.

Harry was born at 33 weeks and we spent 6 weeks in hospital with him. 

Following our discharge we had some issues which massively affected my mental health and then the pandemic started. 

It was during the pandemic that I realised I needed some help. I reached out to my doctor and unfortunately they didn’t understand what I needed after a neonatal stay. 

I felt lost and alone until I found Leo’s and got the support I needed for me and my son Harry. I now get to pass on the amazing support given to me, to others.This is the reason I started volunteering for them in 2021 and since then I have been fortunate enough to get a job within the peer support team, and to help support other families like mine.

I’m extremely thankful that families
opened up their homes and hearts and let
me be a part of their journey.

Qualifications & Training includes:

  • Bath Babies Practitioner (training)
  • Brazleton High Risk NBO (training)
  • Baby Yoga Instructor (training)
  • Baby Massage Instructor (training)
  • Sensory Beginnings Neonatal Nurture
  • Makaton
  • Listening Skills
  • Transactional Analysis
  • Safeguarding



Psychological Services Lead & Therapist. BACP



Integrated Counsellor BACP



EMDR, Transdiagnostic Psychotherapist, High CBT, MBABCP



Grant Support Officer

